Link to enlarge Masculine head from Palenque Chiapas after Michel Zabé WHO'S WHO IN THE CLASSIC MAYA WORLD
Peter Mathews
Janab' Ajaw    A Palenque lord, grandson of K'inich Janab' Pakal I (born ca. AD 680, died before AD 742)PAL 029

Also Known As
Ah HanabGonzález Cruz and Bernal Romero 2000; Bernal Romero 2000
Hanab AhawGonzález Cruz and Bernal Romero 2000; Bernal Romero 2000
Janahb' AjawStuart 2000; 2004
Hanahb AhawStuart 2004

Other Names and Titles
From his name and what we know of his genealogy, it is apparent that Janab' Ajaw had the rank of ajaw, 'lord'. In the K'an Tok Tablet (Text 1), Janab' Ajaw has the title Ch'ok, 'youth' or 'prince'. Note that in this text Janab' Ajaw is acceding to a subordinate office, as yet undeciphered. In the Temple XIX Bench (Text 2), Janab' Ajaw's name is followed (at V3) by a title composed of three signs surmounted by ajaw, 'lord'. The second and third signs read ta-ni, but the reading of the first sign is uncertain. It looks, however, to be the same as the first sign in the 'office' glyph on the K'an Tok tablet—the glyph that names the office into which the subordinate nobles (including Janab' Ajaw) accede in that tablet (this suggestion was made to me by Pétér Bíro). If so, this title in the Bench of Temple XIX combine Janab' Ajaw's noble office with the ajaw rank he held by virtue of his place in the royal family.

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